We meet on Wednesday evenings at 7.30.
All welcome.
Stone Scottish Dancing Group
Scottish country dancing is a social dance, done in groups, or sets, of usually 3 or 4 couples. It is not the same as Highland dancing, solo dancing. There are three categories of dance – the Reel, the Jig and the Strathspey. The first two are fast, lively dances whilst the Strathspey is more sedate. There are two styles of step – the travelling step and the setting step. Reels and jigs share the same steps while strathspeys have their own.
The group holds weekly classes at Tittensor Village Hall from early September through until late May. Sessions run from 7.15pm – 9.30pm. More formal dance evenings are held a number of times a year and invitations are received from other clubs to attend their dances
We welcome new dancers either on their own, with a friend or as couples. Persons under the age of 16 must be accompanied by an adult. You will be shown the various steps and formations and you can be sure that more experienced dancers will ask you to dance and help you through what may seem quite confusing at first! You will find Scottish country dancing very enjoyable and an excellent form of exercise.
A pair of soft shoes will do to begin with but later you may decide to invest in a pair of dancing shoes. There is no formal dress code at weekly classes. Kilts are not necessary; but men, once they decide it’s for them, may want to acquire one.
There is an annual fee, with the first two evenings free.
There are many dances to view on Youtube (some better than others!) or you can visit: www.scottish-country-dancing-dictionary.com.
Have a look at these websites as it will show you everything you need to know! The second site includes crib sheets, videos of the dances, and instructions explaining footwork and formations.
Where are we?
Tittensor Village Hall, Winghouse Lane, Stoke-on-Trent ST12 9JG
Map: https://goo.gl/maps/vRxksSdoX7n
​​Google Street View Link: https://goo.gl/MydGwF