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Stone Scottish Dancing Group


70th Anniversary Ball 


Saturday, 12th October 2024

Bradwell Lodge, Newcastle-under Lyme


GRANVILLE MARKET (J8x32) 3C (4C set) Elinor M Vandegrift 2nd Graded Book SCDs

1- 8 1s+2s dance RH across and LH back

9-16 1s cross RH and cast 1 place. 1s dance ½ Fig of 8 round 2s and end facing 1st corners

17-24 1s turn corners RH and pass RSh to face 2nd corners, 1s turn 2nd corners RH and pass RSh to end 2nd place own sides

25-32 2S+1s+3s circle 6H round and back


J. B. MILNE (R8x32) 3C (4C set) Hugh Foss Angus Fitchett Album

1- 8 1M+2L set advancing and turn RH, 1L+2M set advancing and turn RH

9-16 1s set advancing to each other and turn 2H, cast to 2nd place and Petronella turn to Lady between 2s and Man between 3s

17-24 1s set and ¾ turn RH while 2s+3s change places RH on sides and set, 1s repeat but 2s and 3s cross RH and set

25-32 1s set and change places RH while 2s+3s change places RH on sides and set, 1s cast round corner to 2nd place own sides as 2s+3s cross RH and all set


CHERRYBANK GARDENS (S3x32) 3C set John Drewry Bankhead Book 1

1- 8 1s+2s set and Petronella-in-tandem twice to end with 2s+1s on opposite sides having changed places. (2) (1)3 

9-16 2s+1s set, 2s cross RH while 1s ¾ turn LH; 1L+2s (at top) and 1M+3s dance RH across

17-24 1s+3s set and link and circle 4H round to left. 3s face down, 1s face up ready for...

25-32 2s+3s+1s dance Grand Chain (2s cross, 3s+1s change places RH on sides)


MUIRLAND WILLIE (J8x32) 3C (4C set) RSCDS Book 21

1- 4 1s lead down middle and cross over to cast up to 2nd place while 2s set and cross RH to 3rd place while 3s cast up to 1st place and cross RH

5- 8 All set and ½ turn 2H to own side

9-16 Repeat bars 1- 8 from new positions

17-24 1s lead up to 1st place (4 bars); 1s set (2 bars) then 1s+2s set advancing ready for...

25-32 1s+2s dance Poussette. 213


STAIRCASE IN STYRIA (R5x40) 5C set Margaret Gray

1- 8 1s+2M also 3s+4M dance RH across, 1s+2L also 3s+4L dance LH across

9-16 1s+4M also 3s+5M dance RH across, 1s+4L also 3s+5L dance LH across and 1L also 3L end facing out Ladies' side with partners behind them

17-24 1s and 3s dance out Ladies' side and cast up 1 place, cross to Men's side and cast up to original place Ladies looping round by the right

25-32 1s cross and cast 1 place, 1s followed by 3s dance up and cast (1s to 3rd place, 3s to 2nd place)

33-40 1s cross and cast 1 place, 1s followed by 5s dance up and cast (1s to 5th place, 5s to 4th place) 23451NB - No stepping up or down until bar 27THE


PLATINUM JUBILEE (S3x32) 3C set Stephen Webb, 2022

1- 8 1s lead down, cross RH below 3s and cast up in 2nd place opposite sides (2s step up 3-4); 1s set and ½ turn RH

9-16 2s+1s+3s circle 6H ½ round to left; 1M+2s also 1L+3s dance LH across. (3) (1) (2)

17-24 3s+1s+2s circle 6H ½ round to right; 1L+2s also 1M+3s dance RH across. 213

25-32 1s Petronella turn and set; 1s Petronella turn to 2nd place opposite side and 1s cross down LH to 3rd place own side (3s step up 31-32). 231


POSTIE'S JIG (J4x32) 4C set Roy Clowes Ormskirk 5

1- 8 1s and 4s set and cast in 1 place, 1s and 4s dance ½ Figs of 8 round new end couples

9-12 1M+4M and 1L+4L cross (Men making an arch) and turn corners with free hand to face up/down

13-16 1s+4s dance down/up (couple dancing up make the arch) and turn corners

17-24 Repeat bars 9-16 from new positions

25-32 1s+4s dance ½ R&L, turn partner RH. 2413


BRATACH BANA (R8x32) 3C (4C set) John Drewry Bon Accord Book

1- 8 1s turn RH and cast 1 place (2s step up); 1s dance LSh round 1st corners to 2nd place opposite side facing 2nd corners

9-16 1s dance ½ RSh reel of 3 on sides and dance ½ LSh reel of 3 across (1M with 3s at top, 1L with the 2s, LSh to 3rd corner position)

17-24 1s turn ¾ LH, turn 3rd corner (pstn) RH and pass RSh to turn 4th corner (pstn) RH ending in 2nd place own side in prom hold with 4th corner (pstn)

25-32 1s+corners promenade diagonally across (passing RSh) to diagonal opposite corner and ½ turn to end 1s in 2nd place opposite side, 1s dance ½ diagonal R&L (M up, L down). 213


THE ELEPHANT'S STAMPEDE (J4x48) Sq.Set Lorna MacDonald and Gillian Mackintosh Aurora 10th Anniversary Book

1- 8 All circle 8H round and back

9-16 1s+3s advance nearer hands joined and with free hand join with 2s and 4s, retire into longwise set across the dance; all dance ½ parallel RSh reels of 4 across

17-24 All dance ½ R&L at each end of set (across to start); end couples and middle couples turn RH 1½ times to form Sq.Set

25-32 All Ladies petronella turn to next Ladies' place to right and set, repeat to meet partner (all have progressed 1 place to right), Ladies face out

33-48 All dance full Schiehallion Reel. 2341




HEATHER'S STRATHSPEY for three couples (S3 x 32) 3C

1–8 1s & 2s set to partners and turn 2H. 1s cast while 2s dance up. 1s ¾ turn 2H, pull RSh back and turn to face 1st corners.

9–16 1s dance ½ diagonal reel of 4, pass RSh , dance ½ diagonal reel with 2nd corners, and giving partner RH, dance to own side, 2nd place

17–24 2s & 3s dance full R&L while 1s set, petronella one place and set advancing, turn 2H to finish back to back in the centre, M facing down and L facing up.

25-32 1M with the 2s and 1L with the 3s dance 3H round to the left for three steps. 1s drop left hand to open out to 6H round for three steps. (2(1)3). 1s cross down LH while 3s step up.


THE MUSIC MAKARS (R8x32) 3C (4C set) Roy Goldring RSCDS Book 33

1- 8 1s turn RH, cast 1 place and turn partner LH to Balance-in-Line position with 1st corners
9-16 1s Balance-in-Line with 1st corners then face 1st corners and set, 1s turn to right again and Balance-in-Line with corners then turn partner RH to face 2nd corners
17-24 1s Balance-in-Line with 2nd corners then face 2nd corners and set, 1s turn to left again and Balance-in-Line with corners then turn partner LH to end 1L facing 2s, 1M facing 3s
25-32 1s dance RH across (1L with 2s and 1M with 3s), 1s change places passing RSh and dance LH across with other couple. 213



1- 8 All circle 8H round to the left and back (popular variation - 8H all the way round to left)
9-24 Ladies dance in front of partner and behind next Man, into RH across, in front of Man opposite own partner and behind next Man, into RH across and back to place
25-32 All Promenade clockwise
33-40 1s and 3s dance clockwise behind next couple and Men dance past couple as Ladies dance in between couple and both turn R to face couple, all set and turn RH
41-48 All dance parallel reels of 4
49-56 1s and 3s dance a full Fig of 8 round the standing 2s/4s
57-64 1s and 3s dance LH across, 1s and 3s dance back to places (Men round and Ladies through the standing 2s and 4s)
65-96 2s and 4s repeat 33-64
97-104 All Promenade anticlockwise
105-120 Men dance in front of partner and behind next Lady, into LH across, dance in front of Lady opposite own partner and behind next L into LH across and back to place
121-128 All circle 8H round to the right and back (popular variation - 8H all the way round to right) 1234


THE ORCHARDS OF CO. ARMAGH (S3x32) 3C set Jinty Anderson Belfast Platinum Anniversary and RSCDS book 53

1- 8 1M leading 2M+3M also 3L leading 2L+1L chase clockwise ½ round to opposite sides (4 bars). All set, 1s+3s turn partners ¾ RH into line up/down (Men facing down)

9-12 3s+1s dance ½ reel of 4. Bar 12: 1M+3L pass LSH to face 2s (1M+2M and 3L+2L facing), 1L+3M remain in centre at top/bottom

13-16 1M+3L+2s dance ½ reel of 4 across. Bar 16: 1M and 3L pass LSh to face partners up/down set

17-24 1s+3s dance ½ reel of 4, 1M+3L pass LSh to face own partners. 3s+1s set, Petronella turn to own sides. 321

25-32 2s followed by 1s dance up to top, cast, 2s to 3rd place, 1s to 2nd place (4 bars). 3s+1s+2s turn partners 2H


THE BLACK MOUNTAIN REEL (R5x32) 5C set Derek Haynes Carnforth Collection 31- 8

1s and 3s cross RH and cast down 1 place, dance ½ Fig of 8 round the couples above them and cross to face 1st corners

9-16 1s and 3s turn 1st corners RH and partner LH, turn 2nd corner RH and partner LH to face 1st corners again

17-24 1s and 3s dance full diagonal reels of 4 with 1st corners

25-32 All dance RH across once round (1L with 2s, 1M+3L with 4s and 3M with 5s), 1s and 3s turn partners LH and cast one place. 24153


RED RUM (J8x32) 3C (4C set) Stephen Brown Ribble Valley Book

1- 8 1s set and cross RH, 1s set to 2s on sides and ½ turn LH

9-16 1s+2s dance Ladies' Chain and end with 1s facing 1st corners

17-24 1s set to 1st corners and turn 2H, 1s set to 2nd corners and turn 2H

25-32 1s dance reels of 3 on opposite sides giving LSh to 1st corner cross to 2nd place own sides


PORTINCAPLE OAK ( M-(S32+R32)) Sq.Set Anne Thorn Magic of Music Book 2 and RSCDS book 53Strathspey

1- 8 1s+3s+2s+4s dance interlocking Ladies' Chain (Ladies RH across in centre)

9-16 All face partner, set and turn RH; all set and turn corner LH. All end in place, Ladies facing out

17-24 All dance 8 bars Schiehallion Reel (all moved 2 places clockwise from start position. 3412)

25-32 All circle 8H round and backReel1- 8 Repeat 1-32 above in reel time


CAPE TOWN WEDDING (S8x32) 3C (4C set) Tom Kerr RSCDS Book 39

1- 8 1s cross down (no hands) to 2nd place (2s step up), dance out and ½ turn 3s with nearer hand; 1s ½ turn RH and lead up to top ending in prom hold (2s+3s step down 7-8)

9-16 1s in prom hold dance reel of 3 with 2s (RSh to 2L to start) 1s end in middle at top facing down (Lady on Man's Left), 2s on sides and 3s step in and face up

17-24 1s+2s+3s set, all Petronella turn one place (1s+3s Petronella-in-Tandem); all set advancing (1 bar), join hands in circle and set (1 bar), pull back RSh and cast clockwise back to places

25-32 1s+2s dance the Knot. 213


THE RUTLAND REEL (R8x40) 3C (4C set) Robert Senior The Sunday Class 1

1- 8 1s set and cast 1 place (2s step up); 1s cross down between 3s and cast up to 2nd place opposite sides

9-16 1s+2s dance Ladies' Chain and end 1s facing down

17-24 Reels of 3 on sides, 1s giving RSh to 3s (6 bars) and 1s+3s change places RH. 23(1)

25-32 3s+1s dance Men's Chain and end 1L facing out with partner ready to follow her

33-40 1L followed by partner casts up and crosses to own side to end with 1s in 2nd place own sides; 1s+3s circle 4H round to left




BUTTERSCOTCH AND HONEY (S4x32) 4C set Jean Attwood Alexander Leaflet 241- 8 1s set and ½ turn RH into prom hold, 1s dance ½ RSh reel of 3 with 2s (2s end on opposite sides)9-16 1s dance ½ LSh Reel of 3 with 3s and ½ RSh reel of 3 with 4s

17-24 1s followed by 4s+3s+2s cast up on opposite sides to top, cross over to own sides each Lady passing in front of partner and down own side. 2341

25-32 All set to partners and turn 2H into 4H round (2s with 3s and 4s with 1s)


QUARRIES' JIG (J8x32) 3C (4C set) Kent W Smith RSCDS Book 36

1- 8 1s set, cast 1 place and dance round 1st corners passing corners LSh

9-16 1s dance reels of 3 across (1st Man with 2s and 1st Lady with 3s), 1s turn LH to face 1st corners

17-18 Centre dancers change with 1st corners RH while 2nd corners set

19-20 1st corners ( in centre) change places LH while new 1st and 2nd corners dance clockwise round to next corner place

21-24 Repeat the Fig in bars 17-20 from new places

25-32 Repeat 17-20 from new places, 1s end by turning LH to 2nd place on opposite sides, 2s+1s+3s set on sides and 1s cross back RH


TRIP TO TIMBER RIDGE (R8X32) 3C (4C set) Linda Henderson Heart of San Francisco and RSCDS Book 52

1- 8 1s turn RH, cast (2s step up) then 1L+2s and 1M+3s dance RH across. 1s end facing 1st corners

9-16 1s dance Corner pass and turn with 1st corners, pass RSh and repeat with 2nd corners. 1s pull back RSh to end BtoB in centre facing opposite sides

17-24 2s+1s+3s dance Double Triangles. Bars 23-24 1s petronella turn to 2nd place own sides

25-32 2s+1s+3s circle 6H round and back



(MINICRIB. Dance crib compiled by Charles Upton, Deeside Caledonian Society, and his successors)

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